Amsterdam Central Animal Ambulance Foundation
Voorlandpad 2
1098 TZ Amsterdam (East / Watergraafsmeer)
Control room (available 24/7)
(Between 11pm and 8am only for emergencies)
Account number
NL58 INGB 0004 0174 92
In the name of Stichting Centrale Dierenambulance Amsterdam
Please note: requests for help by telephone only
Click here if you have a complaint about our service.
Have you been called on behalf of Animal Ambulance Amsterdam to become a donor?
That's right! A fundraising organisation helps us recruit donors by contacting anyone who has helped us with an animal in (medical) need. <They call the following phone numbers: 020 - 213 43 11 and 020 - 213 43 12.
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... To the animals of Amsterdam