Privacy statement Stichting Centrale Dierenambulance Amsterdam
The Amsterdam Animal Ambulance registers different types of personal data. This data is registered because we need it to carry out our work or to keep a donor administration, a payroll administration and/or a financial administration. Special personal data as defined in the AVG are not registered. Since 25 May 2018, the AVG has come into force, tightening the rules around registration of personal data.
What does the Amsterdam Animal Ambulance register?
The Amsterdam Animal Ambulance is called for animals in (medical) distress. To provide this help we register name and address details (or if applicable: details outside where the caller is) and phone number of the callers who report the animals to us. This data is processed digitally at the emergency room and on paper in the car.
Some rides require payment and not every citizen has the ability to do this directly on the spot. In these cases, an authorisation is signed authorising the person to have an amount debited from his/her account. This authorisation includes a bank account number and a signature in addition to name and address details.
If people decide they want to support us financially, an email address and bank details are recorded in addition to name and address details, if known.
Volunteers and employees receive an expense allowance or a salary. To carry this out, the animal ambulance keeps a payroll administration in accordance with the legal rules in which, besides name and address details and bank details, other matters such as BSN numbers are also registered. Of all staff, volunteers and employees, an employment contract is stored digitally, a CV if available and for at least the drivers also the driving licence.
How does the animal ambulance secure this data?
The Amsterdam Animal Ambulance works in the Cloud. All data that are digitally processed are directly stored externally on a secure server in the Netherlands. The company that arranges this for us ensures that up-to-date security software is always installed.
There are different authorisation levels in the organisation, allowing employees to see only the personal information they really need for their work.
Personal data on paper is kept in the animal ambulance's locked archive according to the legal deadlines and is then officially destroyed.
Employees with access to more extensive personal data have been given targets for this, and those with the greatest access to personal data have had to apply for a certificate of conduct for this purpose.
With whom does the animal ambulance share this data?
The animal ambulance shares data when legally necessary such as with tax authorities, banks and police.
In addition, Dierenambulance Amsterdam shares name and phone numbers of people who have engaged us and are not donors once with an organisation that calls people to ask if they want to become donors. This organisation also works in full compliance with the AVG.
Dierenambulance Amsterdam uses an external organisation to store data securely on an external server. With this organisation it has a user agreement in accordance with the AVG in which it is agreed what may and may not be used.
Can I view/change/delete my data?
Yes you can. For this, take contact up with the director.